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Called to serve - are you willing?

Stations of the Cross, Fifth Station, Mark 15:21, Karen May, Amayzing Graces

In these two weeks, I will be highlighting some of my favorite reflections from the Stations of the Cross. Click here to receive the full download of my Stations of the Cross reflections as found in my book Walking Through Holy Week.

Mark 15:21

They pressed into service a passer-by, Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to carry his cross.

When we are given crosses to bear, they can be small or they can be quite large. It can be hard when we try to carry them on our own. In this station, we are given witness to the power of our community.

This man Simon wasn’t some random stranger. In his Gospel, Mark tells his readers that this was Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus. That’s pretty specific for some stranger in the crowd. This was someone they knew and knew well, and whether he liked it or not, he had an important role to play in our salvation.

We know that Jesus will help us carry our burdens, but in this moment, we also see that we are given to each other. We will never be left alone in our suffering. We may be pressed into service to help others in bearing their crosses, and someone may be pressed into service to assist us. We are each called to help in Jesus’ work of salvation, just as Simon was. It is a gift that all of us should be ready to give and able to receive.

Are you being called to help someone carry their burden, or is someone helping you right now?

Want more? Order Walking Through Holy Week to get the whole story.

Whether you are a cradle Catholic seeking to deepen your faith, or a new convert wanting to grow in your understanding of Jesus, Walking Through Holy Week will help you uncover the treasures hidden in the days of Holy Week. This six-lesson book can be used for individual reflection or for group study. Order your copy now on Amazon or Zieglers, or pick up a copy at BookPeople in Austin.

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Karen May

Inspirational Catholic Writer and Speaker

based in Austin, Texas

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