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Love one another as I have loved you, Fruits of the Spirit, Charity, Love, Holy Spirit, Karen May, Amayzing Graces

We start today with the Fruit of the Spirit that anchors all the others. When we live with charity, or complete life-giving love, we live with God's love spilling from our hearts. It is beyond physical attraction or love based on what we receive from another. It is not a love because it makes us feel good, but a love that may even challenge us at times. It is a love that allows us to feel deeply and a love that allows us to be hurt.

If we are living a life filled with the Holy Spirit, this love allows us to see everyone around us with the eyes of their Creator. We see each one as precious. We see each one as valuable enough to die for as Christ did.

This can be a challenge. Some people are really hard to love. Some people just don't let you in, or are living in ways that need to be changed. But when we live our lives steeped in faith, our love of God overflows into love of them. We love them enough to want more for them. We love them enough to be joyful in their successes regardless of our own situations. We love them enough to wait outside until they are ready to open the door.

Today I challenge you to live this love intentionally. Ask God to bless someone you don't like and mean it. Find ways to show God's love to others today. You'll have lots of opportunities, I promise.

📸: A Lutes

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Karen May

Inspirational Catholic Writer and Speaker

based in Austin, Texas

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