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God's plan or mine?

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, a light unto my path, Psalm 119, 105, Karen May, Amayzing Graces, hiking, Ireland, Gap of Dunloe

I'm going to share with you a reflection that I got from a friend who was reading my latest book, Walking Through Holy Week.I love seeing how God takes my thoughts and reflections and uses them to speak to others. I hope hers will do the same.



I was reading about the second station of the cross (in Karen's wonderful book) when Jesus is carrying his cross up the hill and it paralleled to when Abraham was called to sacrifice Isaac and he too carried the wood he was to be sacrificed on up the hill. In the story of Isaac and Abraham obviously God had a different plan. I started thinking about how Abraham must have felt taking his son to be sacrificed and if he questioned if it was really from God, like I do so many times. I've been so scared thinking about changing my career and wanting to become a teacher wondering if it truly is a calling from God or if I was pushing the idea. If it is a sign from God shouldn't it be easier and the path more clear? Uh no. It made me realize God doesn't just throw things in our laps, we have to show him we're willing to sacrifice. Like Jesus and Abraham we have to be willing hike up a hill with our own wood before we can see what God has in store. Some blessing may come right before you give your ultimate sacrifice like Abraham and some may happen 3 days later like Jesus, but when you are will to work and show God his plan is worth it he always provides.

- K. Mitchell

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Karen May

Inspirational Catholic Writer and Speaker

based in Austin, Texas

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