Friend of Jesus
It's a funny balance. Jesus, our friend and Jesus, the Savior of the world. Jesus, our King and Jesus, the one who washes our feet.
I think we balance roles like this in our lives all the time. When I was young, my parents were the ones who fed and cared for me, they were the fun parents who took me on adventures and played games with me, and they were the ones who disciplined me when I got out of line. I respected them, trusted them, and enjoyed them immensely.
This Sunday, Jesus is at the Last Supper telling the apostles a few last things before He goes. Until now He has been their leader - directing, teaching, and basically running the show. Now things are going to be different. They are more than followers, more than slaves who only do what they are told. They are friends, they are part of the plan, and about to be an integral part of it.
He won't totally leave them in the dark. He's been telling them all along anyway, but soon they'll be intimately connected. It's really pretty revolutionary, and it's something that extends all the way down to us.
We are part of the plan. Not in the manner of a slave who blindly does as they are asked, but in the manner of a friend who is important to the whole thing. It changes things, doesn't it?
Read it here: Sixth Sunday of Easter