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I saw the sign

The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone, Psalm 118:22, Karen May, Amayzing Graces

On this Fourth Sunday of Easter, the apostles are under investigation for healing a crippled man. The leaders want to know what power they used for this healing, and it doesn't seem to be in a friendly, curious sort of way, does it?

Not to be intimidated, Peter speaks out and proclaims that Jesus, the one they killed, is the one who gives him the power to heal. This healing is just a signpost of the power of Jesus, with the point being that salvation is available through Him. It's pretty simple really.

Except it's not.

How many times do we make mistakes and hold onto them stubbornly, refusing to admit we were wrong? Haven't you ever done that? You just knew you were right and then, way too far in to admit it, you realized you were wrong. And then there are those times that we never really understand our error, even though almost everyone else can see it.

I think this is one of those cases. Can you imagine having to admit that you were part of killing the Son of God? Judas couldn't handle it when he saw what he had done. The leaders here had many reasons to believe that they weren't wrong and this group of ragtag people were just zealots like the rest of the Messianic groups popping up everywhere. Why would this one be different?

How do weknow?

The readings this Sunday remind us that God sends us signs. He helps us to see what we need to see. Sometimes in big, flashy miracles, and sometimes in small gentle movements. Maybe in a miraculous cure, and maybe in a glimpse into the life that was given for us, or maybe in experiencing forgiveness that we never expected to receive.

What signs are God sending your way today? Don't miss them.

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© 2025 Amayzing Graces

Karen May

Inspirational Catholic Writer and Speaker

based in Austin, Texas

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