Radio Interview - March 19 I'm so excited to be on the Jennifer Fulwiler Show! Monday, March 19, 1-3 Central time. Be sure to listen in! I should be on at 2:00. I'll be talking about my book Walking Through Holy Week, Lent, and who knows what else. I can't wait, and I hope you can join me.
I'm so excited to be on the Jennifer Fulwiler Show! Monday, March 19, 1-3 Central time. Be sure to listen in! I should be on at 2:00. I'll be talking about my book Walking Through Holy Week, Lent, and who knows what else. I can't wait, and I hope you can join me.
Holy Week is here!This is my absolute favorite part of the liturgical year. It may seem odd, given that it’s a pretty dark week with the crucifixion and...