Is Lent over? Can I drink my coffee again?
Holy Thursday has long been a day of debate in our family. Officially, Lent is over, and we move into what is called the Triduum. At...

Get your copy now!
Holy Week has begun, and if you haven’t gotten it yet, download your copy of my Stations of the Cross reflections here. This is an...

Holy Week begins on Sunday. Are you ready?
On a normal Sunday, my family and I arrive a few minutes (or sometimes a few seconds) early for Mass. As we sit in our seats, each one of...

Tune in today!
Don't forget to tune in to the Jennifer Fulwiler Show at 2PM Central Time on SiriusXM Channel 129. I'll be talking about my book,...

Is God present in our darkest times?
In these two weeks, I will be highlighting some of my favorite reflections from the Stations of the Cross. Click here to receive the full...
I'm on the air!
I am excited to share a few interviews with you this week. I'm featured on Dr. Paul's Family Talk on Impact Radio today through Friday...

How do we go on?
In these two weeks, I will be highlighting some of my favorite reflections from the Stations of the Cross. Click here to receive the full...

Called to serve - are you willing?
In these two weeks, I will be highlighting some of my favorite reflections from the Stations of the Cross. Click here to receive the full...

When your presence is present enough
For these two weeks, I will be highlighting some of my favorite reflections from the Stations of the Cross. Click here to receive the...

Ever wonder who is in control? This station makes it perfectly clear.
The next two weeks, I will be highlighting some of my favorite reflections from the Stations of the Cross. Click here to receive the full...