Speaking our Language
This week, Paul travels to Ephesus, baptizes a group of 12 men in the name of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit shows up much as it...

Do you love me?
In this final week of Easter, we straddle Holy Week as Jesus finishes His prayers and dialogue at the Last Supper and then talks to Simon...

Putting God into the equation
As the Easter season draws to a close, we come to a place of transition in the readings of the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Jesus has risen,...

Crazy Like a Fox
In this sixth week of Easter, we find Paul and another disciple beaten and in prison once again. At this point, the man has to be an...

Good Job?
I have to say, the job "Follower of Christ" is a hard one to sell. Just read Jesus' words trying to get the apostles ready for what is...

Friend of Jesus
It's a funny balance. Jesus, our friend and Jesus, the Savior of the world. Jesus, our King and Jesus, the one who washes our feet. I...

Charting a New Course
Isn't it incredible how drastically God can change a person? In the readings this week, it is clear that Paul has completely turned his...

Love One Another
If you knew you had only hours to live, what would you tell the ones who would be left behind? What if you knew that your death would...

Master Gardener
I have a black thumb. For any plant to stay alive on my watch, it has to be by the kitchen sink or outside and hardy enough to live on...

Hidden Blessings
Last week, Paul was told that he would be the one to preach to the Gentiles. This was new for the group, even though Jesus had hinted at...