Funniest Church Moments Ever
For our first Fun Friday post, I'm going to share some hilarious church moments from a Jennifer Fulwiler Facebook post. These short,...

A Taste of Heaven
"About death I go through different moods, but the times when I can desire it are never, I think, those when this world seems harshest....

Summer Schedule
June 1st and summer has begun in our house. School's out, the temperature is rising, and the pool is calling. Every summer, I go into a...

Music Monday: Unpack Your Heart
Bring your secrets, bring your scars, Bring your glory, all that you are, Bring your daylight, bring your dark, Share your silence, and...

Picture Perfect
Over the last year or so, I have been blessed to include my daughter in my work. Just as I was trying take my own pictures for my posts,...

Giving Thanks
Several years ago, a friend of ours was serving in Iraq over Valentine's Day. I wanted to send something to him and to his troops, and...

Putting it All Together
Have you ever cleaned out a closet? I mean, really cleaned out a closet? Every couple years, I clean out our pantry, which has also...

Let the Word of Christ Dwell within You
Not long after the Resurrection, Peter and some of the others went fishing. Yes, they had seen Jesus, but life had to go on, didn't it?...

In the Beginning...
"Tell them to meet me in Galilee." These are Jesus' words to Mary Magdalene as she comes from the empty tomb. Everything has changed....

It's finally here. The fiftieth day of Easter. Pentecost. It's interesting to me that Pentecost is not just an event after Easter, but an...