Fruits of the Spirit: Patience
Don't you hate waiting? If that website isn't up in under five seconds, we're checking our connection. Starbucks takes forever to get our...

Fruits of the Spirit: Peace
News was coming from all sides, and none of it was good. My mother - breast cancer. Father-in-law - inoperable intestinal cancer....

Fruits of the Spirit: Joy
This past weekend, our church had over 130 teens receive their Confirmation. I was amazed to see the atmosphere as we prepared to enter...

We start today with the Fruit of the Spirit that anchors all the others. When we live with charity, or complete life-giving love, we live...

By their fruits they will be known
Of all the aspects of God, I think the Holy Spirit is one of the hardest to get our minds around. Think about it, God the Father and God...

Joy in my Heart
What brings you joy? Truly brings you joy? Have you thought about that lately? I was thinking about that the other day. I have lots of...

I have a family member who is not a big fan of religion or even God for that matter. Discussions about faith are always treacherous and...

Study Time
I'm am really looking forward to starting up a new Bible study for the fall. It's such a great way to get into the word of God and build...

Going Incognito?
I was in the airport last week, and in the course of my travels, I saw two priests, fully dressed in their clerics, and two nuns in...

What armor are you using?
A couple years ago, I did a study by Priscilla Shirer called The Armor of God. It was a great study, but something about it just rubbed...