Releasing the Names
My heart is heavy today. Today the Catholic Dioceses of Texas released the names of all priests who have been credibly accused of sexual...

Coffee Date
My husband and I have a standing coffee date every week. The day varies occasionally, but every week we carve out time to spend together...

New Math
There's a song I would teach my pre-school classes that went, "Love is something if you give it away, give it away, give it away. Love is...

Gift Exchange
Every time I sit down to read or listen to Scripture lately, the word Beloved jumps out. Not some general greeting, not some non-descript...

Walking Through Fire
Have you ever wanted to be a superhero? When I was little, I had my answer at the ready in case I was ever asked what superpowers I...

Saying Yes
I want to say YES to God. Really I do. If He asks something of me, I want to do it without hesitation, without reservation, and without...

What is your true identity?
Have you ever wondered what it means that we are made in the image of God? An image is a reflection or a representation of something...

Searching for Treasure
We were driving across a featureless landscape for a long time, looking for anything interesting to see on the hike we were planning....

What's in a word?
Have you chosen your word for the year? I haven't really gotten into this before, but this year I have a word that has been coming up for...

Reflections and Resolutions
What a year it has been. I was talking with my family last night at dinner and we couldn't believe that some of the things we were...