The Value of Simplicity
Have you noticed the austere beauty of the Lenten season? In our churches the lush beautiful flowers have been replaced with barren...

A New Perspective on Lent
The Frost Tower in Austin is a unique architectural feature of the downtown landscape. It's tall silhouette and unique top stand out...

Jump-Start your Lent
How is your Lent going? If you need a little jump-start, try this prayer. It’s beautiful. God, Once again – For it is certainly not the...

Your Guide Through Lent
As we approach the upcoming Easter season, many of us strive to keep the season intentional and inspirational for ourselves and for our...

Day of Prayer Retreat
Join me on Sunday, March 10, from 1-5 for the Let There Be Peace Prayer Retreat at St. Austin’s Catholic Church in Austin, TX. I’m...

In Her Father's Eyes
I thought Pam was wonderful before I ever met her. Her father told me about her - how everyone wanted a hug from her, how she was much...

Walking Through Holy Week Retreat
Join me next weekend in Santa Rosa, California. I’m leading a day-long retreat to kick off Lent with a walk through one of the most...

God and IKEA
Have you ever tried to put IKEA furniture together? It's always intimidating to open the many page document filled with pictures,...

8 Characteristics of True Love
We’ve heard these words before. We hear them at weddings as couples proclaim their love for each other and their commitment to remain in...

Loving Deeply
I am reminded, as we approach Valentine’s Day, that the more we love, the more we can see love, especially the love of God. One...